Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jewelry Making - Your Way to Get the Exact Earrings, Necklaces and Bracelets You Are Looking for

Have you come to a point in your jewelry shopping experiences where you aren't finding items that you really truly like all that often? Perhaps you wish something was silver instead of gold, had colorful beads instead of pearls. I know I reached that point and decided that I would simply make the item I wanted. I had the exact image of it in my head - why couldn't I create it on my own? It's just wire and some beads, right?

At that point in time, my jewelry making adventure began. And I quickly learned that jewelry making isn't just stringing together wire and beads. It's a hobby of creation, inspiration and experimentation. There is no end to the possibilities when you decide to branch out on your own, flex your creativity and make the items you've always searched for in stores.

All jewelry designers and hobbyists need to start somewhere...and quite often, it can be overwhelming to figure out where, exactly....especially in terms of what essential items are needed to begin creating jewelry pieces. Thankfully, brilliant jewelry experts have helped take the mystery out of the process by creating "beginner kits" of sorts, containing the starting tools you need, basic findings, wire, etc. Many different kinds are available both online and in craft supply stores, the trick is finding which one has everything you need.

a 3-in-1 jewelry tool

• bead board

• glass, metal and accessory beads

• cord, wire, headpins and metal findings

• an 8 page full color instruction book

Kits enable a person to get accustomed to working with the tools, learn the basics of constructing a jewelry piece, and learn what other things they may want to add to their kit over time.

Kits are not only a fantastic way to start your own jewelry making hobby, but a great gift for friends or loved ones who may have expressed interest in making jewelry themselves. It's always fun to have a friend to work on jewelry pieces with -make an event out of it!

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